drs. J.C. (Mark) Jacobs

drs. J.C. (Mark) Jacobs

Career coach, connecter, listening, letting feelings do the talking, culture consultant. As a Human Resources professional, I have spearheaded complex international change processes. I am passionate about shaping company cultures where trust, meaning and autonomy are leading factors. Exploring together which values are important and creating the conditions necessary to make employees feel “at home.”

As a career coach at Van Ede & Partners, I am committed to identifying a new path for clients who no longer feel at home in their role or organization. I gladly use my years of experience in international organizations to support others while also offering them access to my network. My strength lies in being able to establish a connection quickly and listening carefully to reach to the core. Trust your instincts and intuition. What are your personal values ​​and motivators and how do you discover what to do? What drives me is the energy that is released at the moment you know and feel where you want to go!

In recent years I have deepened my knowledge by attending the MMS coach training to become a certified ICF coach and the Barrett Values ​​Center Practitioner training.

Besides my work for Van Ede & Partners every year I take professionals on leadership journeys. I went to Botswana, Norwayt, Switzerland, Italy and Drakensbergen to enjoy the silence. Like my work for Van Ede & Partners the theme of these journeys is connecting with yourself and your nature. Giving space to new insights so that you know what to do next with renewed strength.


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Where do you stand?

Do you want to get a quick impression of where you stand in your career and what are your wishes, ambitions and motivations with regard to work and a work environment? Van Ede & Partners has developed a simple test for you. The test contains 12 questions and takes a maximum of 4 minutes to fill out. You will receive the results immediately after doing the test. A percentage will indicate to what extend your needs match the way of working of Van Ede & Partners. 

Test: Where do you stand?