We strongly believe that everyone wants to live a meaningful life, both on a personal- and professional level. At Van Ede & Partners we call this a Career that Matters. Are you satisfied with the work your committed to? Are you aware of your talents? Do you know what your talents are worth in the labor market? Van Ede & Partners can help answer these important questions.
Do you want to get a quick impression of where you stand in your career and what your wishes, ambitions and motivations are with regards to work and your work environment? Van Ede & Partners has developed a simple test for you. The test contains 12 questions and takes at most 4 minutes to complete. You will receive the results immediately after doing the test. A percentage will indicate to what extend your needs match the way of working of Van Ede & Partners.
You can contact us for career-related questions regarding outplacement, career counseling and transition allowance.
Do the Van Ede & Partners test:
1 I want to make clear which direction I want to take in my future and current career:
2 I want to regain my self-confidence:
3 I often think about the negative aspects of my old and current job:
4 I have a clear understanding of my opportunities on the labor market:
5 I want to work for an organizations which contributes to a better world:
6 It is entirely clear to me what I want to accomplish in my career:
7 I have no trouble communicating my added value to others, such as a prospective employer:
8 I have a clear idea how I want to shape my new career (for instance starting a company, being employed, or offering freelance services):
9 I would like to receive support in meeting relevant organizations:
10 I would like to learn how to conduct an effective network or job interviews:
11 I would like to receive proven support in increasing my odds for success in the labor market:
12 I would like to access a large network of relevant people and organizations to improve my standing in the labor market: